PGG logo PGG Logo Ancient and modern Middle East
Ancient and modern Middle East
Ancient and modern Middle East
Pictures from Middle Eastern life


The Middle East area has been mistaken in the past to be culturally homogeneous often at considerable expense. People Going Global offers specific country programs and overviews focused on doing business in the Middle East.

There is a lot more to doing business in a culture than simply dos and taboos. People Going Global can help you understand the bigger picture, our intensive training equips you with an understanding of why these behaviors are the norm in a different culture and help you understand how to better communicate.

People Going Global has a series of country-specific programs. The Multicultural Perspective with the Focus on The Middle East is just one example of our wide selection of tailor-made courses.

Customized seminars focus on Middle Eastern business culture and social etiquette, attitudes towards time, negotiating practices, relationship building, leadership, motivation, customer service and teambuilding.

We provide short 2-hour overviews, 4-hour, 8-hour, 12-hour and 16-hour seminars, as well as one-on-one briefings on the whole region as well as country specific training programs.

If you are already asking any of these questions, then intercultural management training will benefit your team:

  • What motivates your counterparts from the Middle East?
  • Did you know that only 13% of Muslims are Arabs?
  • How can your communication style gain credibility?
  • Why do age-old values and history have such a strong influence on attitudes and behavior today?
  • Was it something I said?!

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